Restoring purchases

Except if you only sell consumable products, Apple requires that you provide a “Restore Purchases” button to your users. In general, it is found in your application settings.

Call InAppPurchase.restorePurchases() when this button is pressed.

Note: This function is asynchronous and takes a callback function, called when the operation has been processed. From this callback, you can for example unlock the UI by hiding your loading indicator and display a message to the user.
InAppPurchase.restorePurchases(callback: { _ in

The callback also gives more information about the outcome of the restoration of purchases, you might want to use it to update your UI as well. So here’s a more complete example.
  callback: { result in

    switch result.state {
    case .succeeded:
      if result.addedPurchases > 0 {
        // At least one purchase has been restored.
        showResultScreen(withRestoredPurchases: true)
      } else {
        // No purchase to restore.
        showResultScreen(withRestoredPurchases: false)

    case .failed:
      // Restore purchases failed.
      // - More details in result.iapError

    case .skipped:
      // Refreshing when restoring purchases is never skipped.

If the purchase fails, result will contain either .skError, a SKError from StoreKit, or .iapError, an IAPError.