
Tracking the purchase flow is a common things in apps. Especially as it’s core to your revenue model.

We can track 5 events, which step in the purchase pipeline a user reached.

  1. purchase initiated
  2. purchase cancelled
  3. purchase failed
  4. purchase deferred
  5. purchase succeeded

Here’s a quick example showing how to implement this correctly.

func makePurchase() {
  Analytics.trackEvent("purchase initiated")
    productIdentifier: "my_product_id",
    callback: { result in
      switch result.state {
      case .purchased:
        // Reminder: We are not processing the purchase here, only updating your UI.
        //           That's why we do not send an event to analytics.
      case .failed:
        Analytics.trackEvent("purchase failed")
      case .deferred:
        Analytics.trackEvent("purchase deferred")
      case .cancelled:
        Analytics.trackEvent("purchase cancelled")

// IAPPurchaseDelegate implementation
func productPurchased(productIdentifier: String) {
  Analytics.trackEvent("purchase succeeded")
  InAppPurchase.finishTransactions(for: productIdentifier)

The important part to remember is that a purchase can occur outside your app (or be approved when the app is not running), that’s why tracking purchase succeeded has to be part of the productPurchased delegate function.

Refer to the Consumables section to learn more about the productPurchased function.